Me Io Ako Ich Ja Yo Mim

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Complusive. rover. Currently hanging in Cape Town, South Africa, but born and bred in Galway, Ireland. * Update - now to be found in London Town.

Form a circle a salt to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends.

The witching season is upon us once more, one of my favourite times of the year. Any excuse to dress up and I'm there! Here are a couple of cute Halloween themed bits and bobs I've come across and loved. I'm feeling really sick at the moment and looking at cute design is proving a fantastic way to make myself feel better. Now to work on that costume...What will you be dressing up as?

I would have a party just to use these cuties.

Can you imagine the effort that went into this?

80's-tastic costume inspiration. (I really want that felt hat.)

Maybe I'll try making some bone cookies...

I really think the whole Halloween obsession comes from my constant watching and rewinding and watching of Hocus Pocus as a child. Seriously, my sister and I could quote it word for word.

Happy Birthday MT!

I've always been a fan of "ladies of a certain age" chic. I was donning old lady head scarves before any of my friends gave the charity shop a look in, when I was still the girl who smelled like their granny. Some would say not much has changed, unfortunately.

I have a premature craving for comfortable shoes, when everyone else my age can run marathons in their stilettos and doesn't look like a drunk version of Bambi in 3-inch heels.

Combine this with a genuine love for Werther's Originals and an affinity for pulling my tights up to my bra-line (It keeps you warm. I don't care how septuagenarian I look.) and you see what we have here, dear reader. I am a Golden Girl stuck in the body of a 23 year old.

I even *whispers* really like prunes.

Just the other day, while flicking through an old Hello! magazine at my aunt's house (She really needs to sort that hoarding habit out.), it was like a ray of clarity fell onto the old, tattered pages in my hands (Seriously, the thing was like 10 years old.). I had a new style icon. Not a very popular one, however. No really like.

It's Old Iron Knickers herself. Maggie T in the sartorial house. Not saying I would have agreed (or even am aware, really) of her leadership policies. Just think she's a snazzy dresser, that's all. And in honour of her 85th birthday, I've put together some ensembles that I'm really quite partial to. Check this sheeeet out below...

Green cape? Why, thank you.

Box-style sixties shift? You're too good to me, MT.

Rose print blazer...Wear it with a simple tee and my skinnies you say?
It would be a pleasure.

Now I just need to get my glare down...

Turning Japanese, I really think so.

All day today, I've been wearing an oversized mans' shirt with only a string top underneath. I haven't felt cold once. This wouldn't be strange if it was mid-June, but it's freaking October, almost the middle of October! You can't enjoy the witching season in a tank top, for chrissakes. I was skyping with a friend today in New York and she said the exact same thing. Global warming has a lot to answer for, my friends.

I'm all for saving the environment and try to be as green as I can be, without heading down the clothes made of hemp and "knitting my own organic porridge" route. (Paraphrased from a very clever little article I read in the Sunday Times a couple of weeks back!) However, some of this ecofriendly stuff can be a bit well, too green for me. It'll be a cold day in hell (not likely at the way Mother Nature is hot flushing all over the place) before you catch Murzipan availing of reusable tampons, for example. Check it out just for the crazy-ass website alone - apparently the Polar Bear model is "quite romantic" but the penguin is kind of a loner. Okay then.

However, you may very well catch me using one of these little guys someday in the near future, the penguin or the walrus being the most likely candidates right now! Fridgezoo magnets start nattering away when you open the fridge door, but linger too long and they'll be on your case to shut it again. Granted, you won't know exactly what they're saying because it's all in Japanese, but this can only add to their value I feel. Hide one right in the back and scare the crap out of your boyfriend when his after-pub midnight munching directs him towards those leftovers you want for lunch tomorrow. Plus, I've always thought that having something in the fridge chattering at me might prevent me reaching for the last slice of cheesecake/bottle of vino blanco. These little guys are gonna have their work cut out for them, I feel.

Also, what ever happened to The Revs? Does anyone know?

Stick this in your pie-hole.

Only a dung beetle could have failed to notice that there is a slight bit of favouritism with the nineties, as far as "trendiness" (whatever that concept actually means) is concerned right now. In my neck of the woods, you can't walk 50 metres without hitting some denim shorts, Fred Perry shirts and a loafer or two. And that's just the boys.
(Image courtesy of the V&A)

Enter Patrick Cox.
Cox's Wannabe loafers were first created for Autumn/Winter 1993-94, and became so popular that he even had to put a doorman outside his London store for a bit of crowd control. They've been redesigned every year since, changing colour or design features. However, one could hardly say that demand for them has remained as high as that first bout of mayhem. This in mind (I'm guessing. Disclaimer: Not actually claiming to read Patrick Cox's thoughts.), the designer has turned his creative attention to the world of cupcakes. Yes, cupcakes. The logical progression, n'est-ce pas?!

Teaming up with master patissier Eric Lanlard, the two have created a marvellous offering with a rather splendid name two "Cox, Cookies & Cake" anyone? There's lots to choose from - raspberry compote cupcakes, Nanaimo squares based on Patrick's mother's own recipe, or erm, Bum Cake. Wonder how Mrs. Cox feels about sharing a menu board with that beauty. Hmmm. With prices starting at just £2.50, its a pretty cheap way to get your fix of Cox. Ho hum. Available from their Soho shop, map here. All food images from

Sweet, sweet charity.

Feeling rather brave this morning, I elected to try my new midi skirt on London streets for a day of charity shop-hopping. Here's what I wore...

...My black Divided waffle scarf, Awear skinny belt, vintage polka dot skirt, and a simple Primark vest top over.
Bit weird, this new skirt length. I guess I'm not used to feeling the end of my skirt brushing against my calves. Also, holding the damn thing down whilst climbing up windy Tube passages got seriously old. Fast.

Coming home with a vintage Jaeger jacket, a khaki maxi and a really ladylike Oleg Cassini blouse more than made up for it though. Charity shop win!

All in all, not bad for a first outing...Must just remember to wear modesty-covering knickers with this one!

Honestly mate, you look sterling.

This Is England is one of my favourite films of all time. It seems weird to say that about such a, well, grim, film, and when ever I recommend it to friends, it does come with this disclaimer: Never. Ever. watch it the day after consuming a ridiculous amount of beverages of an alcoholic nature. Ever.

You will want to kill yourself.

The first time I saw this film was with my ginger-haired bestie, who had earlier that week been laid off from her job and had very little prospects in the immediate future. I almost had to pull her in from the balcony over the closing credits.

I'd even be scared to watch it after a watered-down WKD, to be honest. HOWEVER (and it is such a big however it merits the use of caps lock), it is pretty effing deadly, isn't it. You can imagine my joy when I heard a four-part miniseries was being made, oh yes. Lol (Vicky McClure) has been one of my lady crushes since she rocked her Fred Perry in the original.

Not such a fan of the blonde hair in this incarnation, but I'm willing to let it slide. Also, maybe it's just me, but I am really fancying Milky this time round. He's such a sharp dresser, no?

Don't let the system get you down...

There is a long, long list of things I want to do before I drop off the face of this planet. One of them is chatting to Madonna, the Queen of Pop herself (we share a birthday, don'tcha know). Another is marrying Michael Cera. A third is growing my hair past my shoulders (and you may think, dear reader, that this is the most easily achievable of my life goals, however Mother Nature begs to differ, it would seem). Today, another target was added to that list. I NEED to meet this kid.

I know this picture has been all over tha' tinternet for donkey's years now, but for some reason it really struck a chord with me today. Which could have a lot to do with the fact that I am really dehydrated and haven't been sleeping so well, but I digress. Who is this child? Where is he now? Does he still play clarinet/flute/oboe/whatever the hell that is*? Does he have a girlfriend? What's his favourite film? So many questions.

The people over at thesearethings obviously shared my fascination with the ginger-topped wonder, as they turned him into a funny letterpress print, stickers and a tee. He clearly made quite the impact then. Get your hands on him (not literally, obviously. Jeez.) here! They have a bunch of other deadly stuff also, I'm particularly keen on the 2011 travel adventure calendar - time to start the Christmas wish list methinks!

*Please excuse my complete ignorance when it comes to musical instruments, thank you very much.

For bitter or worse.

Everyone is talking about the new Ashish range for Topshop. I just had a look at it there, and while it is cute and everything, it just seems a little bit meh for me. It's such a change from his more high-fashion designs, which are mad for the bit of sparkle, colour and all that jazz.

This lot screams "I could do that myself...Give me a fiver and I'm off to Hickeys!" at me, a lot louder than it says "Yes, I can spend 40 spondulicks on a tee, no problem." But maybe I'm just bitter because I still haven't found that goddarn money tree I need so badly. Hmmmh.
Check it out and make up your own mind...

Please do not adjust your set...

Tumblr_l8e1yypued1qcz42vo1_400_large normal posting should resume by Monday. Running around like an ADD kid in the CocaCola factory trying to get everything sorted for the big move to London Town. Which is happening tomorrow, gadzooks.

Anyway, feel free to browse through some luvverly pictures of my new home city and I'll be back here after the weekend. Over and out!

(All images reposted here from weheartit)

Broke is the new black, apparently.

Everybody is aware that we're having a bit of economic misfortune at the moment. My favourite spin on it is that we're now experiencing the "pre-boom years", just gearing us up for the next wave of overpriced coffees and flah-flah-flahing about like we just fell out of the O.C.

However, as with any global crisis, little ol' Earth just keeps on turning. People still get married, have birthdays, produce offspring and so forth. An upside to the doom and gloom is that it forces folk to rethink their ideas, which has produced some pretty awesome design in recent months. I stumbled across this range of greeting cards by 9SPOTMONK yesterday, which I adore for their clever sentiments and utter simplicity. My favourite is "Candlelight dinner". Now if only they'd get shipping outside the US. Check them out here.

If you go down to the woods today...

I love this time of year. Something about going back to school, pulling out all your wintry, snuggly woolies, the crisp but still warm weather makes me go a little bit fuzzy inside. I even get giddy at the sight of new stationery (I was always the kid who had to have a new pencilcase, pens, notebook, school bag and so forth come Septmber, much to mia madre's delight). Dare I say it, I much prefer it over the summer "sunshine" that we always hope for but never get at home. At least autumn/winter never lets you down - the odd sunny, warmish day is an added bonus.

Yesterday I made my first purchase of this wonderful time of year - a gorgeous sheepskin jacket for the princely sum of 5 litle euros.

Jacket win.

And now, even though I should be making the most of this unusual hot weather we're getting right now, I can only dream of wrapping up in chunky sweaters, going for walks in the woods* and layering up like it's nobody's business. This Polyvore set will just have to do for now, I guess!

(I'm pretty sure I've never actually done this in my life, but in my daydreams I live in a Gap ad. Obviously. I'm also two stone lighter and rolling in money but they are not so pertinent to this particular tale, methinks.)

Shiver me timbers...

This made me laugh this morning...

(Found via Jezebel)

Summer-loving in the wintertime...

I haven't posted anything on here in about a week or so, but regular service should resume tomorrow. Or the next day, it's all very jet-lag dependent.

Came home from beautiful Cape Town today, you see.

Depressed is not even the word.
Miss the boy, miss the amazing friends, miss the weather, miss the atmosphere.
*looks sulkily out window at grey skies*

This lil' video is from a Capetonian band I love, whom you might know from their (unfortunate) collaboration with Shakira for the World Cup. But please, don't hold that against them, we all make mistakes, eh?! It's such a cute song, methinks. Plus, it's the only thing putting a smile on my face today. Right, I'm off to mooch around the house, eat copious amounts of biscuits and annoy my mother. Over and out amigos!

The more I see, the less I know...

This is how I'll be making all my relationship decisions (If I ever have any to make again. *le sigh) from now on. Seven kinds of wonderful in a pretty chart.


Yesterday, while innocently browsing the web, looking for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to distract me from paying attention to the fact that my wardrobe is currently masquerading as a dump site, I came across these images from Vivienne Westwood’s latest menswear collection. It could only be described as a sartorial car crash. And I think that may be a little too kind, to be honest.

The words Factory, Paint, Explosion, and Fabric spring to mind to say the least.

The very least.

Images from the train wreck below, make up your own mind...

I really didn’t see this one coming. I mean, I know La Westwood is a bit “different” as the Mothership would say, but COME ON. Does anyone really want their man to look like Little Boy Blue (had he fallen under a bucket of bleach, that is)/ a ventriloquist's dummy come to life, I wonder?

This one has a touch of the Bibi Baskin, circa 1993 about it, no?...Much love for the Beebster but sleeping with her tribute act is a little too far for me, I'm afraid.

Would you be ok with your man candy rocking up in this little number? Because if you are honey, I suggest you get out of the relationship now. Before you come home and find him cavorting about in those nasty red knicks he got you “for the laugh” last Christmas. Trust me on this; it’ll save time and the cost of 10 gallons of red wine plus your body weight in chocolate later on down the line.

Once I had recovered from the initial visual assault, I realised that maybe Vivienne is on to something here though. I stand firm in my belief that encountering one of these creations on any man-shaped object may be the most effective form of contraception known to humankind. I see your pills, coils and implants and raise you toupees, bad spray tans and drop-crotch chequered pants, Scientists of the World!

(all images from WWD)

Down With The Kids.

At the start of next week, I will be celebrating surviving another year of my life. It may not sounds like that great of an achievement to you, but when one is as unlucky as me, you learn to be appreciative of this kinda shizz. I mean, I fell ass-over-tit on the street three times yesterday, in an admittedly spectacular display of perambulation failure.

The thing is, I'm kind of freaking out about this particular birthday. It's my 23rd celebration of this nature. I have very mixed feelings about this number. It just seems such an awkward one. It's like the sloppy-kiss-from-an-elderly-insane-aunt of ages. Nothing in your power can stop it from coming, but it just makes you feel a little bit pukey.

Anyway, with all this resting uneasily in my subconscious, and increasingly, in my conscious too, I somehow ended up on a double date last night. A double date with a guy I'd never clapped eyes on before. A guy who turned out to be about 18 and fresh out of the Ed Hardy Academy for Douchebaggery. *le sigh*.
In case you're wondering how this unfortunate scenario came about, my friend Laura had met this "really cool guy" during the World Cup, but he'd been away and they hadn't had a chance to meet up since. She casually threw in that he did have a "baby face" during our pre-date gallon of wine consumption (in preparation for the inevitable awkwardness and bad jokes). She clearly hadn't noticed in her World Cup beer-addled state that the kid finished primary school about 20 minutes ago, and I probably have more of a 'tache than he will for at least the next 10 years.

And my fancy man wasn't much better either. For starters, he was wearing a white and red Ed Hardy diamante studded belt. Now call me small minded, but I really don't think there's ever an appropriate social situation for a man to don diamante. Unless he's participating in Strictly Come Dancing or some such, in which case I don't think we'd be on a date in the first place, let's be honest. This creation was eye meltingly ugly. Strike One.

Be assured, however, the Little Belt of Horrors was nothing compared to the "fun" carding situation outside the bar, when our two Romeos had more than a little trouble proving they were of the legal age. It is not right that I felt like some kind of sugar momma at 22 years of age. When we finally got in, my beau demanded to see my ID, as part of the ritual "Who are you supposed to be?" conversation. This conversation is highly amusing when you are 16 and sneaking into nightclubs, to get trollied on two blue WKDs and spend the rest of the night having your best friend hold your hair back while you wail about how Gary who works in Spar (Gary being the pinnacle of romantic attainment because he has an electric blue Seat Ibiza with tinted windows) ignored you all night. It starts to wear itself out a little by the "ripe" old age of 22, however.

My man was disgusted. "Wow, you're old", he pronounced, feeling no need to sugar coat his horror at my geriatric state. I believed this was as bad as it could get. I was wrong. More wrong than Snooki heading up the UN, or Tom Cruise in general. I spent the rest of the night answering questions about post-college choices (choices they'll be making in 5 years, perhaps) and grinning along to jokes about my impending Alzheimers. Again, I'M 22 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. This merriment continued until our two buckos had to head home at 1.30, because they were "wrecked from partying all weekend" (Read: Before Mom gets pissed). Just what I need to get Birthday Week* off to a good start. Must shuffle off now, time for a cup of Horlicks before my afternoon nap.

* Although I'm not entirely comfortable with acquisition of my twenty-third year, the attention whore in me prevents any chance of letting it pass quietly. Awkward age or not, you can be damn sure every man, woman, cat and dog in the city will know about the glorious day of my birth.

Can we just discuss...

..This woman's urgent need for a reality check.

Michelle Duggar recently announced that Child No. 20 - Jello, J-cloth, I can only hazard a guess - would not be "out of the question".

Even though the last child was born four months premature and had a head the size of a pool ball.

Aside from the fact that these parents should be locked up forever for crimes against child-naming (Jinger or Joy-Anna anyone? Thought not.), it would be more in her line to invest in several economy sized tubs of Frizz Ease for her family.

Even though the words "dumpster" or "black hole" could surely be used in relation to her vajayjay at this stage.

Somebody, somewhere tie her tubes please.

Permanent Error.

What kind of f**ked up world are we living in.

Last week the Colombian and I attended the opening of a Pieter Hugo exhibition in Woodstock. There, I witnessed some of the most horrific images I've seen in my time here. I know that's a pretty big statement in a country so riddled with human rights abuses, but this was something apart altogether. Although I feel like a hypocrite writing this on my laptop, the urge to inform people about this, even if only one person reads my blog, is somewhat stronger.

For the past year Hugo has been photographing the people and landscape of an expansive dump of obsolete technology in Ghana. The area, on the outskirts of a slum known as Agbogbloshie, is referred to by local inhabitants as Sodom and Gomorrah, a vivid acknowledgment of the profound inhumanity of the place. When Hugo asked the inhabitants what they called the pit where the burning takes place, they repeatedly responded: 'For this place, we have no name'.

Their response is a reminder of the alien circumstances that are imposed on marginal communities of the world by the West's obsession with consumption and obsolesce. This wasteland, where people and cattle live on mountains of motherboards, monitors and discarded hard drives, is far removed from the benefits accorded by the unrelenting advances of technology.

The UN Environment Program has stated that Western countries produce around 50 million tons of digital waste every year. In Europe, only 25 percent of this type of waste is collected and effectively recycled. Much of the rest is piled in containers and shipped to developing countries, supposedly to reduce the digital divide, to create jobs and help people. In reality, the inhabitants of dumps like Agbogbloshie survive largely by burning the electronic devices to extract copper and other metals out of the plastic used in their manufacture. The electronic waste contaminates rivers and lagoons with consequences that are easily imaginable. In 2008 Green Peace took samples of the burnt soil in Agbogbloshie and found high concentrations of lead, mercury, thallium, hydrogen cyanide and PVC.

The photographer's website is here.

Friday I'm in love...

Loving someone is fine, but they have to love you back or it doesn’t work. - Karl Lagerfeld.

Oh great...

(Image from
Just came across this...

I mean you know he's coming straight for me, right.

Yes, I'm aware it's like a thousand kilometres away but you may not know my talent for attracting catastrophe.

Just another adventure in the life of The Girl With The Worst Luck Ever.

(Aside: How funny is it that I just Google image searched for "Woman being chased by Tiger", and all that came up for ages was pictures of a certain over amorous golfer..)

Low lie the fields of...FML.

For some reason, once I leave the country, I have the urge to turn into the biggest Irish stereotype ever. I can usually resist, but add (any) alcohol into the mix and the whole thing gets a bit ridiculous.

I'm talking Tom Cruise in "Far and Away" bad.

I mean, I will happily tell people this is how I go to work...

(Image from

I think I'm turning into this guy. FML. Hide the bodhran people. For your own sakes.

In the movies the good guy gets the girl. In real life it's usually the prick...

Went to see "Youth in Revolt" the other night at the snigger-happy named Labia Theatre on Kloof (No, I don't know why it's called that either, but it sure made asking for directions more embarrassing). Something bad happened then.

My Cera-based obsession has been jump-started. Le sigh.
Oh Michael. It started with Juno, and got ridiculously out of control, to the point where I was planning what to wear for his next première. Hey, you gotta aim high, right?

And now it's back.
I know we will most likely never meet. And I know that even if we do, chances are he's not going to immediately fall madly in love with me. Neither of these two reflections have helped the situation one bit though. What is it about this nerdy, socially awkward man that I like? I know he'd be brutal on the dance floor. And he probably wears tighty whiteys too. And he'd spill wine all over your mother the first time they met.

I can overlook all those things Michael. Just call me.

Also, if you get a chance, go see the movie. It's pretty frickin' awesome, Cera or no Cera.

Go see table top mountain, in Cape Town...

  1. If you’re looking for somewhere really different to rest your weary bones during your stay, look no further than the Airstream trailer park atop the Grand Daddy Hotel on Long St. Seven vintage Airstream trailers bid goodbye to the American Dream and have been lovingly restored to form a one of a kind camping area. Each trailer has been designed by a local artist – you can choose from “Pleasantville” for a touch of 50’s style kitsch or “The Ballad of John & Yoko” if the white look is more your thing. For those of you who love your creature comforts, the trailers are fully decked out with up to the minute facilities. There’s even a little US-style mailbox outside each caravan at your disposal. Too cute! Website here. This is my favourite, the Dorothy room...
  2. Everyone knows about Royale Eatery on Long St (and if you don’t, be sure to check it out, their burgers and shakes are to die for! Really unusual pairings too - for example lamb burger with brie and mint jelly anyone?), but not a lot of people seem to know that they run a happy hour too. Perfect for the cash-conscious traveller, plus you may avoid having to queue for a table like you usually must at peak times. Happy Hour runs Monday to Thursday from 4–5:45, and the deal is a selection of four burgers (including at least one veggie option) is available at R30, plus a selection of bottled beers can be had for a mere R10. How could you resist!
  1. (Plus it has cute decor too!)

  1. The idea of partying in a township may not appeal immediately, especially if you’ve never been to one before. However, Mzoli’s meat in Gugulethu will change all that. Arrive on a Saturday or Sunday around lunchtime (Sunday is usually the better day). Bring your own beers and salads. Choose your meat from the selection on offer and have the Mzoli’s staff braai (bbq) it for you in their homemade secret sauce. Simple, but amazing. You will never taste meat like this. If you can stand after such a feast, join the regulars and get down to some mellow house, played by local djs. Party till the small hours, dance on the tables, whatever. Great atmosphere, especially on a warm day. This is not the place to be a wallflower – mix it up, talk outside your circle, make new friends!

  1. I firmly believe that if you travel to a new place, you should at least attempt to familiarise yourself with its history or culture along the way. Unfortunately, in the case of South Africa, the past is a bitter pill to swallow. If you are not entirely familiar with the culture of apartheid which oppressed so many for so long, then the District Six museum in the City Bowl is a good place to start learning. It focuses on the area from which government policies forced coloured people out of their homes and into informal settlements with little or no facilities or hope of improvement. Homes, schools, churches & livelihoods were destroyed as part of this enforced segregation, and today the area still remains barren while the government decides how best to use the space. A reminder to all of the hardships these people endured under such racist policies.

  1. South Africans are an adventurous lot, and everyone you meet seems to have one outdoor hobby or another. I guess it’s easy in a country where the weather is so great and nature is on your side. If you fancy getting some of this outdoor action for yourself, try a sunset hike up Lion’s Head. Take a taxi to the summit and it’s a not-too-strenuous (unless you're me, see last post for details!) 45 minute hike from there. Sit atop the peak and watch the sun go down over Cape Town, with views of the city from all sides. Definitely bring your camera for this one. Some bring a picnic and indulge in wine and cheese over sunset. Best of all, it’s entirely free! Check for a full moon if you want the best light for the hike down, if not a torch is always a good idea.

  1. For those travelling through Cape Town with their life on their backs, the Ashanti Lodge on Hoff St. is a good place for some budget R’n’R. Situated less than 10 minutes walk from all the action, it also has an unbeatable view of Table Mountain. I’m assured by reliable sources that it’s a fantastic place to watch the sun go down too. The gorgeous pool and friendly staff help add to the good vibes too, I guess.

  1. Saturday mornings usually finds me either one of two ways; bleary-eyed and still harbouring traces of last night’s eyeliner, or bright as a button and eager for a “productive” weekend (unfortunately it’s the former that wins out more often than not). Either way, a trip to the Old Biscuit Mill in Woodstock usually sorts me out. Good food, albeit a little pricey, but it’s all local produce and for most things, freshly made in front of you. There’s a design market as well with young designers starting out, as well as vintage clothing stands, photography and art. As you might imagine from that brief synopsis, the place is overrun with hipsters. But don’t let the plaid shirts and carefully created “dishevelled” hairstyles put you off – It’s the best way to ease yourself into the weekend!

  1. Tucked in at the back of Long Street Antique Arcade is an adorable little vintage shop, Glitterati. It’s incredibly tiny, but a veritable Aladdin’s Cave of gorgeous goodies. The shop looks like it could be a movie star’s dressing up room. You certainly will have to root a round a bit, but the search is always worth it for some precious finds in this case.

  1. Your Lonely Planet would probably tell you to hit up Hemisphere for a great night out in Cape Town. I’d tell you to go for ten minutes and only for the view. Being on the top floor of the ABSA skyscraper makes for an impressive sight come sundown. However, the club itself isn’t up to much unless tacky music and overpriced drinks is your thing (this is also true of Cape to Cuba). A much cooler hang out is the granny-chic Waiting Room. Situated up a tiny rickety stairs, which you enter through a non-descript door on Long St, this place reeks of atmosphere. The rooftop terrace lets you check out where the action is that night, and comfy couches strewn about make for relaxing drinks with mates.

  1. Cape Town works at a fast pace, and after a while the hedonism gets a bit much (i.e. I can’t close my jeans so realise it may be time to cut back a bit). A great place to unwind and feel better is at Long Street Baths. Here, you can choose between a sauna, a steam room, a cold pool or a warm room, in addition to showers and all the usual malarkey. The price is pretty reasonable at R75 for up to four hours or R37.50 per hour. For this you’ll get a day bed, a towel and some soap as well as admission. I know they used to offer massages as well, but apparently these are off the cards now. However, the baths have different operating hours for men & women (check web for exact times), so this may not be best for a romantic holiday!
(Photo by Art Harris)