Only a dung beetle could have failed to notice that there is a slight bit of favouritism with the nineties, as far as "trendiness" (whatever that concept actually means) is concerned right now. In my neck of the woods, you can't walk 50 metres without hitting some denim shorts, Fred Perry shirts and a loafer or two. And that's just the boys.

Enter Patrick Cox.

Cox's Wannabe loafers were first created for Autumn/Winter 1993-94, and became so popular that he even had to put a doorman outside his London store for a bit of crowd control. They've been redesigned every year since, changing colour or design features. However, one could hardly say that demand for them has remained as high as that first bout of mayhem. This in mind (I'm guessing. Disclaimer: Not actually claiming to read Patrick Cox's thoughts.), the designer has turned his creative attention to the world of cupcakes. Yes, cupcakes. The logical progression, n'est-ce pas?!

Teaming up with master patissier Eric Lanlard, the two have created a marvellous offering with a rather splendid name two "Cox, Cookies & Cake" anyone? There's lots to choose from - raspberry compote cupcakes, Nanaimo squares based on Patrick's mother's own recipe, or erm, Bum Cake. Wonder how Mrs. Cox feels about sharing a menu board with that beauty. Hmmm. With prices starting at just £2.50, its a pretty cheap way to get your fix of Cox. Ho hum. Available from their Soho shop, map here. All food images from coxcookiesandcakes.com

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