I love this time of year. Something about going back to school, pulling out all your wintry, snuggly woolies, the crisp but still warm weather makes me go a little bit fuzzy inside. I even get giddy at the sight of new stationery (I was always the kid who had to have a new pencilcase, pens, notebook, school bag and so forth come Septmber, much to mia madre's delight). Dare I say it, I much prefer it over the summer "sunshine" that we always hope for but never get at home. At least autumn/winter never lets you down - the odd sunny, warmish day is an added bonus.
Yesterday I made my first purchase of this wonderful time of year - a gorgeous sheepskin jacket for the princely sum of 5 litle euros.
Jacket win.
And now, even though I should be making the most of this unusual hot weather we're getting right now, I can only dream of wrapping up in chunky sweaters, going for walks in the woods* and layering up like it's nobody's business. This Polyvore set will just have to do for now, I guess!
(I'm pretty sure I've never actually done this in my life, but in my daydreams I live in a Gap ad. Obviously. I'm also two stone lighter and rolling in money but they are not so pertinent to this particular tale, methinks.)

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