There is a long, long list of things I want to do before I drop off the face of this planet. One of them is chatting to Madonna, the Queen of Pop herself (we share a birthday, don'tcha know). Another is marrying Michael Cera. A third is growing my hair past my shoulders (and you may think, dear reader, that this is the most easily achievable of my life goals, however Mother Nature begs to differ, it would seem). Today, another target was added to that list. I NEED to meet this kid.
I know this picture has been all over tha' tinternet for donkey's years now, but for some reason it really struck a chord with me today. Which could have a lot to do with the fact that I am really dehydrated and haven't been sleeping so well, but I digress. Who is this child? Where is he now? Does he still play clarinet/flute/oboe/whatever the hell that is*? Does he have a girlfriend? What's his favourite film? So many questions.
The people over at thesearethings obviously shared my fascination with the ginger-topped wonder, as they turned him into a funny letterpress print, stickers and a tee. He clearly made quite the impact then. Get your hands on him (not literally, obviously. Jeez.) here! They have a bunch of other deadly stuff also, I'm particularly keen on the 2011 travel adventure calendar - time to start the Christmas wish list methinks!

*Please excuse my complete ignorance when it comes to musical instruments, thank you very much.
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