Everyone is talking about the new Ashish range for Topshop. I just had a look at it there, and while it is cute and everything, it just seems a little bit meh for me. It's such a change from his more high-fashion designs, which are mad for the bit of sparkle, colour and all that jazz.
This lot screams "I could do that myself...Give me a fiver and I'm off to Hickeys!" at me, a lot louder than it says "Yes, I can spend 40 spondulicks on a tee, no problem." But maybe I'm just bitter because I still haven't found that goddarn money tree I need so badly. Hmmmh.
Check it out and make up your own mind...

i really do like the bomjour jumper, but i know i could never justify spending so much on such a simple jumper!
oh, and my headscarf just stays up, hehe. maybe because of my type of hair, as it isn't as smooth yours, though i sometimes clip it down with hair clips if it's a really windy day! xx
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