Had serious chocolate cravings last night, so much so that I was almost tempted to bake up a storm to quell the pangs. There are sometimes when cheese and crackers won't suffice, although this usually keeps my food monster at bay.
However, our kitchen facilities here are somewhat limited (read: all knives are blunt and the oven only works on the second Tuesday of every month. If even.), and every time I bake here I get so frustrated I just end up in a bad mood for the rest of the night. Anyway, should you be in a kitchen that is moderately better equipped than mine, and I don't doubt that you are, this chocolate cake recipe is to DIE for. Seriously, you'll want to have its babies.
You'll need: 1 pound soft butter, 1 pound caster sugar, 6 eggs, vanilla essence and 1 pound cocoa/ self-raising flour mix (I usually use a 40:60 ratio, also ake sure you use cocoa and not drinking chocolate, as this will be too sweet.)
- Preheat oven to 180C (Sorry not sure what Fahrenheit conversion is, but I guess this is easily googled!), and grease a round 6-inch baking tin.
- In the mixer, combine the softened butter with the sugar until both have combined into a fluffy mix. Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk together.
- Slowly introduce the eggs to the butter-sugar mix. I usually do this in 4 stages, but it’s not really important as long as you don’t bung them all in there at once. Add 2-3 drops of vanilla essence at this stage also.
- Sift the flour mix into the bowl, trying to break up any lumps you see. Using a wooden spoon, gently fold the flour into the mixture. You don’t need to do this too long, just enough to combine them. Try to keep your touch light to incorporate as much air into the cake as possible.
- Bung in the oven and bake for 25 - 30 mins. Serve after cooling with whipped cream. Et VoilĂ !
* I'd love to pretend that the picture up top represents my culinary efforts, however the reality of the situation is depicted below. Aesthetically pleasing it may not be, but I can assure you an artery-blocking, sugar high inducing good time was had by all...

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