Somehow got myself talked into hiking up Lion's Head here in CPT yesterday, hence the lack of posting. The sun was out, I was in a good mood, there was talk of sunsets and wine and it all seemed like it was going to be wonderful.
It was not. No siree.
If you knew me, you would know that the only physical activity I do on a regular basis involves wine glass or cigarette to mouth. I must have entered into a Twilight Zone of insanity for the 30 seconds or so that I pondered the offer and said yes. Seriously, it hurts just moving the laptop around on my lap. Crawled into work today but manage to hobble back home around lunchtime. I have never felt so stiff in my life.
And I live with a bunch of North Face jacket wearing, activity keeners, "No I won't have another one, have my 5am bikram class tomorrow" kind of bunch, so no sympathy chez Murzipan for the GUT-WRENCHING AGONY I am in. Am just going to feebly wriggle around on the couch and moan a little until someone feels sympathetic/irritated enough to bring me a nice cup of raspberry tea.
And shut it, I am not being melodramatic. Not one bit.
Having said all that, it was beautiful to be up there for sunset and see the whole city spread out. I just wish I'd realised we'd be hiking down in the quickly-diminishing light afterwards. See what it was like for yourself in this gorgeous photo my friend Lauren found...I wish I knew who took it, it certainly leaves my photography "skills" (which extend to fuzzy zoom and trying to keep my thumb out of shot) trailing in the dust..

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