Me Io Ako Ich Ja Yo Mim

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Complusive. rover. Currently hanging in Cape Town, South Africa, but born and bred in Galway, Ireland. * Update - now to be found in London Town.

Honestly mate, you look sterling.

This Is England is one of my favourite films of all time. It seems weird to say that about such a, well, grim, film, and when ever I recommend it to friends, it does come with this disclaimer: Never. Ever. watch it the day after consuming a ridiculous amount of beverages of an alcoholic nature. Ever.

You will want to kill yourself.

The first time I saw this film was with my ginger-haired bestie, who had earlier that week been laid off from her job and had very little prospects in the immediate future. I almost had to pull her in from the balcony over the closing credits.

I'd even be scared to watch it after a watered-down WKD, to be honest. HOWEVER (and it is such a big however it merits the use of caps lock), it is pretty effing deadly, isn't it. You can imagine my joy when I heard a four-part miniseries was being made, oh yes. Lol (Vicky McClure) has been one of my lady crushes since she rocked her Fred Perry in the original.

Not such a fan of the blonde hair in this incarnation, but I'm willing to let it slide. Also, maybe it's just me, but I am really fancying Milky this time round. He's such a sharp dresser, no?


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