Me Io Ako Ich Ja Yo Mim

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Complusive. rover. Currently hanging in Cape Town, South Africa, but born and bred in Galway, Ireland. * Update - now to be found in London Town.

Sweet, sweet charity.

Feeling rather brave this morning, I elected to try my new midi skirt on London streets for a day of charity shop-hopping. Here's what I wore...

...My black Divided waffle scarf, Awear skinny belt, vintage polka dot skirt, and a simple Primark vest top over.
Bit weird, this new skirt length. I guess I'm not used to feeling the end of my skirt brushing against my calves. Also, holding the damn thing down whilst climbing up windy Tube passages got seriously old. Fast.

Coming home with a vintage Jaeger jacket, a khaki maxi and a really ladylike Oleg Cassini blouse more than made up for it though. Charity shop win!

All in all, not bad for a first outing...Must just remember to wear modesty-covering knickers with this one!

Honestly mate, you look sterling.

This Is England is one of my favourite films of all time. It seems weird to say that about such a, well, grim, film, and when ever I recommend it to friends, it does come with this disclaimer: Never. Ever. watch it the day after consuming a ridiculous amount of beverages of an alcoholic nature. Ever.

You will want to kill yourself.

The first time I saw this film was with my ginger-haired bestie, who had earlier that week been laid off from her job and had very little prospects in the immediate future. I almost had to pull her in from the balcony over the closing credits.

I'd even be scared to watch it after a watered-down WKD, to be honest. HOWEVER (and it is such a big however it merits the use of caps lock), it is pretty effing deadly, isn't it. You can imagine my joy when I heard a four-part miniseries was being made, oh yes. Lol (Vicky McClure) has been one of my lady crushes since she rocked her Fred Perry in the original.

Not such a fan of the blonde hair in this incarnation, but I'm willing to let it slide. Also, maybe it's just me, but I am really fancying Milky this time round. He's such a sharp dresser, no?

Don't let the system get you down...

There is a long, long list of things I want to do before I drop off the face of this planet. One of them is chatting to Madonna, the Queen of Pop herself (we share a birthday, don'tcha know). Another is marrying Michael Cera. A third is growing my hair past my shoulders (and you may think, dear reader, that this is the most easily achievable of my life goals, however Mother Nature begs to differ, it would seem). Today, another target was added to that list. I NEED to meet this kid.

I know this picture has been all over tha' tinternet for donkey's years now, but for some reason it really struck a chord with me today. Which could have a lot to do with the fact that I am really dehydrated and haven't been sleeping so well, but I digress. Who is this child? Where is he now? Does he still play clarinet/flute/oboe/whatever the hell that is*? Does he have a girlfriend? What's his favourite film? So many questions.

The people over at thesearethings obviously shared my fascination with the ginger-topped wonder, as they turned him into a funny letterpress print, stickers and a tee. He clearly made quite the impact then. Get your hands on him (not literally, obviously. Jeez.) here! They have a bunch of other deadly stuff also, I'm particularly keen on the 2011 travel adventure calendar - time to start the Christmas wish list methinks!

*Please excuse my complete ignorance when it comes to musical instruments, thank you very much.

For bitter or worse.

Everyone is talking about the new Ashish range for Topshop. I just had a look at it there, and while it is cute and everything, it just seems a little bit meh for me. It's such a change from his more high-fashion designs, which are mad for the bit of sparkle, colour and all that jazz.

This lot screams "I could do that myself...Give me a fiver and I'm off to Hickeys!" at me, a lot louder than it says "Yes, I can spend 40 spondulicks on a tee, no problem." But maybe I'm just bitter because I still haven't found that goddarn money tree I need so badly. Hmmmh.
Check it out and make up your own mind...

Please do not adjust your set...

Tumblr_l8e1yypued1qcz42vo1_400_large normal posting should resume by Monday. Running around like an ADD kid in the CocaCola factory trying to get everything sorted for the big move to London Town. Which is happening tomorrow, gadzooks.

Anyway, feel free to browse through some luvverly pictures of my new home city and I'll be back here after the weekend. Over and out!

(All images reposted here from weheartit)

Broke is the new black, apparently.

Everybody is aware that we're having a bit of economic misfortune at the moment. My favourite spin on it is that we're now experiencing the "pre-boom years", just gearing us up for the next wave of overpriced coffees and flah-flah-flahing about like we just fell out of the O.C.

However, as with any global crisis, little ol' Earth just keeps on turning. People still get married, have birthdays, produce offspring and so forth. An upside to the doom and gloom is that it forces folk to rethink their ideas, which has produced some pretty awesome design in recent months. I stumbled across this range of greeting cards by 9SPOTMONK yesterday, which I adore for their clever sentiments and utter simplicity. My favourite is "Candlelight dinner". Now if only they'd get shipping outside the US. Check them out here.

If you go down to the woods today...

I love this time of year. Something about going back to school, pulling out all your wintry, snuggly woolies, the crisp but still warm weather makes me go a little bit fuzzy inside. I even get giddy at the sight of new stationery (I was always the kid who had to have a new pencilcase, pens, notebook, school bag and so forth come Septmber, much to mia madre's delight). Dare I say it, I much prefer it over the summer "sunshine" that we always hope for but never get at home. At least autumn/winter never lets you down - the odd sunny, warmish day is an added bonus.

Yesterday I made my first purchase of this wonderful time of year - a gorgeous sheepskin jacket for the princely sum of 5 litle euros.

Jacket win.

And now, even though I should be making the most of this unusual hot weather we're getting right now, I can only dream of wrapping up in chunky sweaters, going for walks in the woods* and layering up like it's nobody's business. This Polyvore set will just have to do for now, I guess!

(I'm pretty sure I've never actually done this in my life, but in my daydreams I live in a Gap ad. Obviously. I'm also two stone lighter and rolling in money but they are not so pertinent to this particular tale, methinks.)