All day today, I've been wearing an oversized mans' shirt with only a string top underneath. I haven't felt cold once. This wouldn't be strange if it was mid-June, but it's freaking October, almost the middle of October! You can't enjoy the witching season in a tank top, for chrissakes. I was skyping with a friend today in New York and she said the exact same thing. Global warming has a lot to answer for, my friends.
I'm all for saving the environment and try to be as green as I can be, without heading down the clothes made of hemp and "knitting my own organic porridge" route. (Paraphrased from a very clever little article I read in the Sunday Times a couple of weeks back!) However, some of this ecofriendly stuff can be a bit well, too green for me. It'll be a cold day in hell (not likely at the way Mother Nature is hot flushing all over the place) before you catch Murzipan availing of reusable tampons, for example. Check it out just for the crazy-ass website alone - apparently the Polar Bear model is "quite romantic" but the penguin is kind of a loner. Okay then.

However, you may very well catch me using one of these little guys someday in the near future, the penguin or the walrus being the most likely candidates right now! Fridgezoo magnets start nattering away when you open the fridge door, but linger too long and they'll be on your case to shut it again. Granted, you won't know exactly what they're saying because it's all in Japanese, but this can only add to their value I feel. Hide one right in the back and scare the crap out of your boyfriend when his after-pub midnight munching directs him towards those leftovers you want for lunch tomorrow. Plus, I've always thought that having something in the fridge chattering at me might prevent me reaching for the last slice of cheesecake/bottle of vino blanco. These little guys are gonna have their work cut out for them, I feel.
Also, what ever happened to The Revs? Does anyone know?